Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Twilight Love and Heart Tattoo Designs

It’s time for another Tattoo article! And why not? Tattoos have their own fashion seasons, their own couturiers, their own models. Anyone can model a tattoo, not anyone can model haute couture. So… it’s rainin’ tattoos!

While there’s an undeniable likeness of the Twilight books trilogy and the onscreen chemistry between Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen) and Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan) makes everyone (and their respective dogs) dream about some twilight love, tattooing some Twilight-relevant symbol, phrase or film character could be a wrong move. (the story continues right after the jump with more pictures).
On the other hand, the romantic perspective of Twilight makes our youngsters dream. Dream about love, about the existence of the other half, about romance 10,000%. That’s the bright side of things! What’s really worrying me is the how persistent the theme of the Lion falling in love with the Lamb! Sure, I don’t prefer seeing Robert Pattinson (as Edward Cullen) tattooed in full splendor… But hey, do your parents know about all this twilight skin love?