The human heart, in reality just a muscle, has been regarded as the seat of love since time immemorial, and has bee adapted into a symbol to encompass every kind of love that humans feel- love for people, places, or possessions are all attributed to the cardiac muscle and when a person is deprived of the object of his or her love, the heart is said to break. Sometimes, though, the heart continues on mot broken, but bitter at love's failure.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
New Feminim Love Hope Name Tattoos
Quite a few people are interested in getting a tattoo with name of somebody they love. Name tattoos are very popular right now, and have been for quite a while. What kind of name tattoo that you want really depends on what kind that you are interested in, and whose name that you want. A name tattoo for your dead grandma is going to be different than one for your wife or girlfriend. These are some ideas for your name tattoo. With all of the technology available today, you can go so far as to get the person's picture in your name tattoo. It would be very expensive, but it can be done if it is important enough to you. You can get pretty much anything that means something about the person you are getting a tattoo of on you, there isn't a whole lot that can't be tattooed on your.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sexy Love on Back Girls Tattoo Ideas
It’s hard for a sexy love on lower back tattoo not to be sexy on a girl. Their placement makes it the perfect sexy tattoo, but there are some sexy tattoo designs that really get the juices flowing for the opposite sex.
If you’re considering a back tattoo and don’t want them to be too cutesy, there are designs out there for you that will really stand out when you want them to. Just be aware that these tattoos are visible whenever you bend over in most casual outfits so dress appropriately when you don’t want to be the center of attention.
Feminim And Cute Sexy Heart on Chest Tattoo For Girls
Tattoos' for women have become a commonly excepted body art over the last two decades with a wide variety of designs and a full spectrum of ink colors to choose from. What was once a risqu and cute expression is no longer so. It is a popular display of femininity, sexuality and personality in an inked masterpiece without gender barrier.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
New Love tattoo lettering ideas for girls
A Tattoo Lettering is a print or design on the skin of a person that's made to be able to show one’s angle towards all points of life. There are numerous types of tattoos that are out there across the world. Tattoos are so designed so that each particular person can choose for the one that suits her or him best and then go forward with the remaining procedure. Moreover the engaging designs which might be available, there are numerous tattoo lettering styles which have taken the world of tattoo makers and wearers by storm. There are various varieties of styles to choose from when moving into for a tattoo that comprises of words and phrases.
Tattoo Lettering, tattoos script or a textual content tattoo, however, as you call it, all have one thing in widespread - they are words or text, not images, like a star tat design. Related issues have been more and more well-liked these days, both men and women fans tat and tremendously growing the necessities beneath lots of tattoo artists.
New Twilight Love and Heart Tattoo Designs
It’s time for another Tattoo article! And why not? Tattoos have their own fashion seasons, their own couturiers, their own models. Anyone can model a tattoo, not anyone can model haute couture. So… it’s rainin’ tattoos!
While there’s an undeniable likeness of the Twilight books trilogy and the onscreen chemistry between Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen) and Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan) makes everyone (and their respective dogs) dream about some twilight love, tattooing some Twilight-relevant symbol, phrase or film character could be a wrong move. (the story continues right after the jump with more pictures).
On the other hand, the romantic perspective of Twilight makes our youngsters dream. Dream about love, about the existence of the other half, about romance 10,000%. That’s the bright side of things! What’s really worrying me is the how persistent the theme of the Lion falling in love with the Lamb! Sure, I don’t prefer seeing Robert Pattinson (as Edward Cullen) tattooed in full splendor… But hey, do your parents know about all this twilight skin love?
Friday, November 19, 2010
New Popular Love Heart Tattoos on Lower back Locations
Christina Milian showing her lower back black heart tattoo on an occasion
A white female with red heart tattoo and two Texas guns on her lower back.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Tattoo Fonts - Know Your Fonts Before You Put a Tattoo on Your Body!
There are several kinds of tattoo fonts available on the web which can be downloaded and used in your website and any other social networking profile. Use of tattoo fonts gives more color and personality to the tattoo. You can take a print out of the font and go to the tattoo artists to get it done. The fonts play an important role in name tattoos. You can always get your names to be tattooed on your body but you should remember that these are permanent marks. So, it needs special treatments added to it to give you a different look. Yes, tattoo fonts are used for this purpose only.

I would advice you to check the Microsoft word programs to find a perfect font. You can search even the tattoo galleries in the web for a stylish tattoo font. If you want, a unique style of font then you can go for the software that provide you with a number of new designs. It is important for you to decide on the kind of expression your tattoo should have. This is fonts come into play. When finalizing the designs; never settle down with you. Choose at least five sample designs before consulting a tattoo artist. Then select the most popular hippest designs from them. Hippest designs are those that have sharp, strong and icy fonts. Always pick the font that looks trendy.

If, you have a cool personality then you can go with the icy fonts. These icy font tattoos are eye catching. Tattoos with text characters are those that have the names of the people who are special to them. This is a popular tattoo design among all because it is the best way you can show your love. Tribal members of the group wear these tattoos; to show their loyalty to the group. Name tattoos done on the back are very special. So, take time to choose your font that is in line with your feelings for your friend.
A font style can change the entire look of the tattoo. So, you have to be very careful in choosing your tattoo fonts.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Gallery Of Heart Tattoo Designs Picture
Are you in love or broken hearted? It's time to express your feelings with heart tattoo designs. The art of tattooing has been very influential in the society today as it figures out many different designs from the past. And among those designs, hearts are said to be the meaningful designs ever. Heart symbolizes love above all. Heart tattoos today are really different from designs before.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Custom Chest Heart Zipper Tattoos
The heart shape is beautiful! This feeling is almost unanimous. For centuries, it has been the symbol of love and affection. The heart shape has been tattooed on the human form for a long while. Sailors come to mind when thinking about heart shaped tattoo designs. They were always on the upper arm with a scroll-like ribbon saying something like "Mom" or their loved one.
Where did this shape originate? Well, there is probably more to this design than what you can think. The origin of the heart shape (not the shape of the actual human heart) is not completely identified. We do know that it has it's origins in the ancient times. Some say it resembles the seed of the silphium plant. This plant was said to be an herbal contraceptive. It has been adopted to suit a need for artistically expressing the feeling of love.
Where did this shape originate? Well, there is probably more to this design than what you can think. The origin of the heart shape (not the shape of the actual human heart) is not completely identified. We do know that it has it's origins in the ancient times. Some say it resembles the seed of the silphium plant. This plant was said to be an herbal contraceptive. It has been adopted to suit a need for artistically expressing the feeling of love.
Friday, October 1, 2010
New Popular Of Heart Love Tattoos For Men
Heart tattoos for men
Heart tattoos have been popular as long as people have been getting tattoos. They are a great way for people to express their love for a special person in their life, whether it be a boyfriend, girlfriend, child, friend, or family member.There are thousands of ways to include a heart in a tattoo design. It doesn’t have to be foo foo. Heart tattoo designs can also be tribal, or even be included in a really evil design. Whatever your style is, heart tattoos can be killer if you have it designed by a good artist.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Archangels Tattoo - Angel Tattoo

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tattoos for Girls - Some More Tattoo Ideas
Sporting tattoos has become a thing of fashion today, especially amongst girls. Men have been sporting tattoos for a very long time. But the popularity for tattoos increased when women also started sporting them. A tattoo is seen as a way of making a statement. Tattooing is a body art that has become a rage amongst the girls during the recent years. Until a few decades back tattoos were considered to be a taboo for girls. Any girl sporting a tattoo was considered to be a rebel and a woman with loose morals. All this changed when you had women celebrities started sporting the tattoos on their bodies. It was only a matter of time before tattoos became an acceptable thing in the society.
There are many tattoo designs to choose from that it becomes very difficult if you do not know what kind of tattoo you are looking for. Given below are a few ideas which will help you find a suitable tattoo for girls.

a) Heart tattoos are very popular amongst girls. The heart is a symbol of love and the heart tattoo reflects romance and love. There are many girls who opt for a heart tattoo with the name of their loved one written across the tattoo. The heart tattoo is available in a variety of shapes, designs, patterns and colors.

b) A Butterfly tattoo is another one that is a suitable tattoo for girls. A butterfly symbolizes the delicate and pretty form of the feminine. It reflects love, peace, etc. According to a survey it was found that the butterfly tattoo is one of the top five popular tattoos amongst girls.

c) One more tattoo that is very popular amongst the girls is the angel tattoo. Angels symbolize purity, innocence, etc and are quite often depicted with white robes and bright lights or as winged little creatures.
I am here to make things really easy for you however. There are close to 700 tattoo membership's site out there but we know the top 3. How? Because I have access to a site that lets me know stats such as users, return rates and consumer ratings. So my wife and I made a blog of the top 3 tattoo sites out there. We did a male and female section since some are more geared toward women and vice versa.
There are many tattoo designs to choose from that it becomes very difficult if you do not know what kind of tattoo you are looking for. Given below are a few ideas which will help you find a suitable tattoo for girls.

a) Heart tattoos are very popular amongst girls. The heart is a symbol of love and the heart tattoo reflects romance and love. There are many girls who opt for a heart tattoo with the name of their loved one written across the tattoo. The heart tattoo is available in a variety of shapes, designs, patterns and colors.

b) A Butterfly tattoo is another one that is a suitable tattoo for girls. A butterfly symbolizes the delicate and pretty form of the feminine. It reflects love, peace, etc. According to a survey it was found that the butterfly tattoo is one of the top five popular tattoos amongst girls.

c) One more tattoo that is very popular amongst the girls is the angel tattoo. Angels symbolize purity, innocence, etc and are quite often depicted with white robes and bright lights or as winged little creatures.
I am here to make things really easy for you however. There are close to 700 tattoo membership's site out there but we know the top 3. How? Because I have access to a site that lets me know stats such as users, return rates and consumer ratings. So my wife and I made a blog of the top 3 tattoo sites out there. We did a male and female section since some are more geared toward women and vice versa.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Flower Tattoo Designs - Perfect Tattoo Patterns For Women

If you are looking for a good tattoo design, why not consider flower patterns. Flower designs are unique because they are often combined with butterflies and hearts. Different types of flowers will portray different meaning. With so many types of flowers available, the choices are endless.
The job of a good tattoo artist is to enhance the design is such a way that a simple flower pattern also looks unique and marvelous. The cost of getting inked usually depends on the size and the complexity of the tattoo. Many floral tattoo designs can be found on the web which you can and print it out and hand it to your tattoo artist.
Nowadays, tattoos are so much in trend that there are so many tattoo parlors around us. Make sure you choose a professional tattoo artist for this purpose as a tattoo will be etched to your body forever.
Before you proceed with inking the flower design, you must be relaxed and clam and must be mentally prepared for the amount of pain you are going to experience. The tattoo artist will use a gun shaped apparatus with colored pigment to draw the outline of the flower on your skin. Next, different colors will be painted to bring out the brilliance of the floral design.
Remember, permanent tattoos are forever. If you wish to remove it, you have to go through some painful ordeal. To remove your tattoo, you can go for either Intense Pulsed Light Therapy or Surgical Excision. Both procedure for tattoo removal are painful and will leave a long lasting scar.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Henna Tattoos For a Special Moment

The first Indian who used henna was Queen Mumtaz, who ruled in the 1600's. Traditionally, henna and the Mehndi art form has become an important part of wedding ceremonies, especially in India. There are no brides without henna tattoos on their hands and feet.
Along with the development era, henna crafts become common things that have been done, practiced and developed by many artists outside India. For some Indian, henna is believed as a luck carrier and its decoration can bring love, prosperity, health, safety in childbirth, protection from harmful spirits and assure happiness in death as well.
Mehndi is a beautiful temporary tattoo which begins with orange color and turns to reddish brown progressively, as time passed. Actually, there are some tricks that can make your henna tattoos last longer. For this, you have to think about the place where you'll create the tattoo. It won't last long if you put it on your hands, which are constantly being washed.
Nowadays, the use of henna tattoos developed not only for wedding ceremonies but also for attending parties or other formal events. Mostly, the tattoos will last about two weeks long. To make it longer, you may take several steps.
You have to use a soft soap that cannot cause your skin become exfoliate. Then, prepare a vegetable oil and apply it twice a day to your tattoo. Before you get the tattoo in hands or feet, you may apply the vegetable oil to that area. For getting a good vegetable oil, you may ask the expert.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
How Tribal Back Tattoos Began

Tribal back tattoos are very striking and take up large portions of skin. People from all walks of life are having their backs adorned with tribal tattoos. There are very few individuals who do not admire a beautifully executed tattoo over a small or a large expanse of skin. Both men and women are turning to tattoo to beautify their bodies. They are doing this to not only adorn themselves but also to make a personal statement. It has to be said that those who turn to tribal back tattoos really do love ink on skin. There are different kinds of tribal tattoos because there are so many different tribes in the world. However, the most popular ones in the west are Celtic and Polynesian tribal tattoos.
In the west, Celtic they are so popular because a great many people are actually of Celtic descent. Their tattoos look beautiful and have great cultural significance. Thousands of years ago Celtic craftsmen started carving out their intricate designs. It is true they did absorb outside influences as cultures touched and even intermingled throughout history. However, what is important is that a definite Celtic style emerged that is greatly admired and has endured for thousands of years.
The Polynesian style of tribal back tattoos appears as black silhouettes and looks more like waves than being intricate. It was due to sailors traveling around the world that the art of tattoo made its way to all four corners of the earth. The sailors were so captivated by tattoo designs they had them placed on their bodies. When they returned home they were walking forms of art.
Others saw their tribal back tattoos and spread the word. The first tattoo studio was set up in the US by a person who had seen how the Japanese went about their tribal or traditional tattoo. The Japanese indulged in intricate back tattoos. They also tattooed sacred text onto their bodies. The Japanese method of tattoo was taken back to the US where it was used until modern methods were developed. Then the tables were turned. The modern method of tattooing used in the US was seen by the Japanese. They took the US method back to Japan. Using the modern method when doing tribal back tattoos is a lot easier and quicker.
Tribal back tattoos from around the world are highly favored by men because of the strong design. These designs are considered as an important part of being macho in many tribal societies. However, in this day and age both men and women can more or less do as they please without any interference. Tribal back tattoos are admired by both genders.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Wrist Tattoos Are a Very Good Choice
Tattoos are more popular these days and more accepted, too, than they used to be. And the number of skilled tattoo artists who can work on you is also great. If you are not sure what kind of tattoo you would like to have, most tattoo parlors can show you books with many designs to choose from. In addition to the design, you also need to choose the part of your body that you would like to have your tattoo on. One particular part of your body is your wrist; it so happens that wrist tattoos are very popular.

If you do, however, wish to have a tattoo on your wrist, you need to take the following advice into consideration:
· More Pain: Getting a tattoo inked is going to involve some pain not matter what part of the body is involved. But it so happens that wrist tattoos are usually more painful than tattoos on any other part of the body. The reason for this is that the skin is thinner on your writs than anywhere else on your body. But on the positive side, tattoo on your wrists are small, so they don't take long to ink them in. So even if the pain is worse, you won't need to put up with it for long.
· Longer Healing Process: Unfortunately, it usually takes wrist tattoos to heal longer. The reason is that this part of your body is rather exposed, so it can take several weeks for a wrist tattoo to heal.
· May Need More Touch Up Work: Because wrists are rather exposed parts of your body, tattoos on your wrist may fade more quickly than on other parts of your body. This means that you may need to have them touched up than if they were on some less exposed part of the body.
· They Are Easy to Hide: Since wrist tattoos are easy to hide, this could be an advantage. A long-sleeve shirt will do the trick. Or even a watch or a bracelet can hide it. Depending on what kind of job you may be looking for, a wrist tattoo is a good option, provided you will remember to hide it.

· Cost is Reasonable: Since wrist tattoos tend to be small, they also cost less than those that go on other parts of your body. Larger and more colorful tattoos tend to cost more. Wrist tattoos are not only small, they usually don't use many colors. One or two is usually all they take.
In any case, having a tattoo is great for your self-expression. And choosing the part of your body for a tattoo is as important as the shape or form of it. The place on your body will also determine its size. If you are interested in having a small and very discreet kind of tattoo, a wrist tattoo is a good bet for you.

If you do, however, wish to have a tattoo on your wrist, you need to take the following advice into consideration:
· More Pain: Getting a tattoo inked is going to involve some pain not matter what part of the body is involved. But it so happens that wrist tattoos are usually more painful than tattoos on any other part of the body. The reason for this is that the skin is thinner on your writs than anywhere else on your body. But on the positive side, tattoo on your wrists are small, so they don't take long to ink them in. So even if the pain is worse, you won't need to put up with it for long.
· Longer Healing Process: Unfortunately, it usually takes wrist tattoos to heal longer. The reason is that this part of your body is rather exposed, so it can take several weeks for a wrist tattoo to heal.
· May Need More Touch Up Work: Because wrists are rather exposed parts of your body, tattoos on your wrist may fade more quickly than on other parts of your body. This means that you may need to have them touched up than if they were on some less exposed part of the body.
· They Are Easy to Hide: Since wrist tattoos are easy to hide, this could be an advantage. A long-sleeve shirt will do the trick. Or even a watch or a bracelet can hide it. Depending on what kind of job you may be looking for, a wrist tattoo is a good option, provided you will remember to hide it.

· Cost is Reasonable: Since wrist tattoos tend to be small, they also cost less than those that go on other parts of your body. Larger and more colorful tattoos tend to cost more. Wrist tattoos are not only small, they usually don't use many colors. One or two is usually all they take.
In any case, having a tattoo is great for your self-expression. And choosing the part of your body for a tattoo is as important as the shape or form of it. The place on your body will also determine its size. If you are interested in having a small and very discreet kind of tattoo, a wrist tattoo is a good bet for you.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Choosing a Tribal Design That is Right For You

Tribal tattoos have been around for hundreds of years and have recently become extremely popular with non tribal people and you won't have to look far to find someone with an awesome design. In your local tattoo studio you'll likely find many tribal designs. It is important that when choosing a tattoo that you are totally happy with it because you may end up regretting it in years to come. Never feel rushed when you are choosing a tattoo because it is extremely likely that you will choose a tattoo that you are not totally happy with.
You might want to talk to your local tattoo artist about the design you would like and they may be able to create your dream tattoo. It could be that you like a rock star or actors tattoo and your tattoo artist should be able to recreate it from a photo. If you want more ideas then there are many tattoo design galleries online and this can be a great idea because you can view at your leisure without feeling pressured into choosing something just for the hell of it. With thousands of designs to choose from, it is probable that you will find a design that is right for you, and then all you need to do is print out the design and take it to your local tattooist. You could even make up your own design by combining some designs that you find.
Friday, June 11, 2010
A Guide to Tiger Tattoo Designs
Most tiger tattoo designs are of the head of the tiger and why not, the tiger has a regal look about it, a proud gaze that suggests strength and wisdom. As a matter of interest the Chinese hold the tiger in high regard, because the markings on the forehead are similar to the Chinese symbol for king.
A Tiger head tattoo design looks great blended with many other tattoo designs, such as, tribal, flowers, lettering, etc, and looks fantastic in a full arm tattoo design. As a matter of fact, no matter if you just use the head of the tiger, or the whole body, you can't go wrong. Now let me tell you something about the myths and legends of the tiger.
Tigers have been around for around 2 million years and over the years a lot of mythology has surrounded this majestic animal. In China the tiger is the 3rd animal in the Chinese zodiac. Yin and Yan are at times represented as a Yin tigress and a Yan dragon.
In early China history, the highest ranking general was known as "the tiger" as the tiger was seen as a symbol of life and death, destruction and aggression.
I won't preach to you about the decline of the tiger numbers due to the loss of habitat, but I will tell you that for many years every part of the tiger was used in Chinese medicine (even tiger wine. Yuk!). Thankfully, the Chinese government has put a stop to this practice, and dishes out severe penalties to poachers or anyone found selling tiger medications.
And if you thinking how nice it would to be up close and personnel with a tiger, then think again, a tiger can reach up to 3.3 meters (11ft) in length and weigh up to 300 kilograms (660 pounds). The jaw of the tiger is capable of crushing the vertebrae of any animal on earth (yikes!).
A tiger has been documented as killing a fully grown Rhinoceros (yes, fully grown!!), and tigers have been known to smash the skulls of domestic cattle with a swipe of a paw. Tigers are such successful hunters they get to dine on a variety of animals, like rabbits, wild boar, pythons, young elephants, bears and crocodiles (that's right, Crocodiles!).
In Asian culture the tiger is the king of the beasts. The tiger is also seen as a symbol of power, strength, and boldness (no argument there), which is a pretty good reason to wear one on your arm I'd say.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Sun Tattoos

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Ankle Tattoos

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Lower Back Tattoos For Women

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Tribal Butterfly Tattoo - Beautiful Body Art

There are many options available for a tribal butterfly tattoo. This is one of the huge benefits of using the tribal design incorporated into traditional tattoos. First of all, the chances of seeing someone else with the same tattoo will be drastically reduced. Plus, you can incorporate other symbols or patterns into your design to add depth to the meaning of your tattoo.
Another thing to consider is that if you get a tribal butterfly tattoo, you don't have use colors if you don't want to. One color tattoos, black work or black and gray work are often the top choice for some. Over time, some inks fade. There have been great advances to eliminate this problem, but it will always exist due to poor quality inks, inexperienced tattoo artist or even skin pigmentation.
Some people think that females are the only ones attracted towards the tribal butterfly tattoo, but I've actually seen some great pieces that were inked on men. I'm not sure that I would go that route myself, but hey that's the great part about tattoos. You can express yourself in any way that you want to. Usually tribal tattoos have a masculine energy about them because of their bold, thick lines. But in the case of the tribal butterfly tattoo, for example, they are versatile and they tend to look very good on women as well.
here are many things that a tribal butterfly tattoo can symbolize, and there are many variations. Now I'm not so sure that they hold magic powers, but in some cultures, still to this day, tribal tattoos are believed to posses such power. For example, in some tribes, a boy is assigned a totem animal during his rites of passage. Their belief is/was that the wearer inherits some of the powers of his totem animal by wearing a tattoo of such animal.
So, if you are looking for a cool tribal butterfly tattoo or other tribal tattoo ideas for yourself or a friend, you should take your time and make a wise choice. This is a lifetime commitment. Don't decide on a particular tattoo design after just looking at few hundred sketches. There are thousands and thousands of examples and ideas that are easy to find online. There are many membership websites that offer abundant selections from professional tattoo artists and flash artists. The membership fee is usually affordable and worth the money when doing your research for your next piece of body art!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Cute And Sexy Beauty Tattoo Designs Ideas For Girls
Cute Tattoo Ideas For Girls

Looking for cute tattoos for girls? Cute designs can really make a girl more sexy. Let me now share some cute tattoo ideas for girls, and give some tips about what to look after, and the where and how when looking for cute girly tattoos.

One of the first things to consider is the location of your tattoo. It is important to remember that if you want to work in a formal environment it may not be a good idea to have a large tattoo that will be seen by your potential boss. Good tattoo locations for cute tattoos are on the ankle, stomach, neck, wrist or lower back. Tattoos on the lower back are also known for being very sexy. Some locations are more painful and expensive than others to get tattooed on, so keep this in mind when deciding on the location for your tattoo.

Next, you should choose what kind of artwork you want. For cute tattoos, popular choices are flowers, stars or hearts. It is also important to know the meaning behind the tattoo you will be getting. There have been cases where artists have been caught giving tattoos with unwanted meanings or misspelled foreign characters.

When it comes to the size of the piece I recommend a small one if it's your first. That way, you will know whether you can withstand the pain of getting a bigger tattoo later. Small tattoos are also not that expensive to remove if you later regret getting tattooed.

To find the best and cutest tattoos for girls you should take advantage of online tattoo galleries. There are plenty of designs that have been made that you can choose from and bring to your local tattoo studio.

One of the first things to consider is the location of your tattoo. It is important to remember that if you want to work in a formal environment it may not be a good idea to have a large tattoo that will be seen by your potential boss. Good tattoo locations for cute tattoos are on the ankle, stomach, neck, wrist or lower back. Tattoos on the lower back are also known for being very sexy. Some locations are more painful and expensive than others to get tattooed on, so keep this in mind when deciding on the location for your tattoo.

Next, you should choose what kind of artwork you want. For cute tattoos, popular choices are flowers, stars or hearts. It is also important to know the meaning behind the tattoo you will be getting. There have been cases where artists have been caught giving tattoos with unwanted meanings or misspelled foreign characters.

When it comes to the size of the piece I recommend a small one if it's your first. That way, you will know whether you can withstand the pain of getting a bigger tattoo later. Small tattoos are also not that expensive to remove if you later regret getting tattooed.

To find the best and cutest tattoos for girls you should take advantage of online tattoo galleries. There are plenty of designs that have been made that you can choose from and bring to your local tattoo studio.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
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